The Companies (Corporate Governance, Enforcement and Regulatory Provisions) Act 2024, signed into law on November 12th 2024, introduces significant updates and improvements for companies operating in Ireland. One of the first changes to take effect under the initial commencement order is the permanent reinstatement of the so called “interim fix” for executing documents under a company seal.
The Interim Document Execution Fix
Initially introduced in 2020 as a temporary measure during COVID19, the fix enabled companies to execute documents under their common seal on separate copies of the relevant agreement. This was invaluable when the seal and the authorized signatories were in different locations – particularly as many companies moved to a distributed ways of working during the pandemic. The measure ended on December 31st 2022, but as many companies have remained distributed, this led to widespread calls for its reinstatement.
As a result, this practical solution is now becoming permanent, ensuring companies can affix their seal and collect required countersignatures across separate copies of the same document. Together, these counterparts will be treated as a single, legally binding instrument.
This change comes into effect from December 3, 2024 and will allow for greater flexibility in document execution.
If you have additional questions surrounding the new Companies Bill 2024 or how it may affect your company, please do not hesitate to contact our team of experts. Give us a call at +353 (01) 830 7296 or fill out our online contact form.